Saturday, August 9, 2014

Life with Triplets: Week 3

Tuesday morning bright and early was another doctor's appointment. The girl's regular 2 week check up! Sophia finally reached her birth weight, 6 lbs. and 14 oz.!!! She also grew to 19.75 inches. She was 13% weight on the standard newborn growth chart. Meredith was 6 lbs. and 7 oz. and had grown to 19.5 inches, putting her at 6% weight category. Our tiny Miss Penelope was now up to 6 lbs. and 3 oz. and 19 inches in height, coming in at only 3% on the weight chart. So many triplet moms have talked about how their preemies are not even on the standard newborn scale until they start to reach adjusted age marks, I was very relieved that at only -3 adjusted we are actually on the newborn charts. Meredith's murmur was very slight and Penelope's was still pretty loud. I forgot to ask again about Synagis, the nurse from before said to make sure I brought it up each visit. The girls are currently drinking 90 ml for Sophia, 70 ml for Meredith, and 80 ml for Penelope. I did have to do postpartum depression questionnaire and scored as being depressed. Some days I feel it and others I don't. After the girl's appointment I took Issy for his allergy shots and to have a special lunch out with mommy. I have officially mastered pumping and driving the pick up truck. We also went by my husband's work where his company had collected some things for us. We got a huge bag of bibs and adorable matching outfits. They also gave us 2 cases of diapers and a case of wipes! Tuesday evening Caroline from our church brought over a delicious Chicken and Rice with broccoli.

Wednesday was by far the best day I have had at home since the girls came home. It was a no visitors and a spending quality time together kind of day. We all got some quality bonding time in. We really need many more days like today.

Thursday morning was relaxing at least! I took Issy with me when I went to my doctor's appointment and to run some errands. His attitude today was horrible. I had a long talk with him about it. My incision has 2 spots that are healing funny from where I did too much and haven't followed doctor's orders to take it easy. I was told to have my hubby scrub the 2 areas daily with peroxide in addition to continuing lotrimin and dry sanitary pads on the area. We then drove all the way to Wilson from Raleigh to pick up a hospital grade breast pump. I got that and headed over to Joy's house to pick up the dinner she made. I figured since I was in town I would save her the 25 minute drive out to deliver it to us. Her baked ziti was awesome. I haven't had ziti in at least 10 years. I had forgotten how wonderful it is! She also sent us home with a frozen lasagna!

Friday night was rough. The girls started fussing around 2:30 am. I got up and pumped at 4 and stayed up until 5:30 to help Jerimiah finish up his feeding of the girls. I was hoping to sleep in for a while, but my mother-in-law came in and woke me up to let me know we had an unexpected visitor. I love visitors, but really would appreciate people calling first and making sure its a good time. I can assure you Friday morning, after the night we had, would not have been a very good time. I got up and was sociable though, at least as much as I could be in my sleep deprived state. I got up and worked on dishes while I prepared lunch plates for everyone. We ate lunch and I was just getting ready to head to bed when we had another unexpected visitor. At this point I decided I was going to give up on the idea of having a nap. Natalie said we need to put her "By Appointment Only" sign back up, and I am inclined to agree with her. Natalie had brought home dinner, generously provided by Chick-fil-a of Wilson. I dove into a nice big pile of nuggets and Polynesian sauce. It totally hit the spot. After dinner Natalie took the boys to her parents for a sleepover and so she could get a full night sleep since she had to be at work at 5:30 am. I took off to Wilson to pick up some donor breast milk someone had offered us. It had to be about a thousand ounces. I was amazed at such a generous offer! Friday night me and Jerimiah were on or own with the girls. I really expected the night to go badly, but Jerimiah stepped up and was so amazing with them.

Saturday morning was just us and it was nice. I got up after my 10 am pumping and Jerimiah tucked me back in for a nap after my 1 pm pumping session. He also got dishes done and ran laundry and did an amazing job with the girls. He had gotten them up for the day and dressed and everything! We watched several episodes of Criminal minds spread out throughout the day, in between napping and feeding and pumping! I realized Penelope is still our loud and fussy one. She might be the smallest, but she intends to be the first at everything, especially meal times! Lynn and her husband from our church brought out an amazing shepherd's pie and apple crumble. I haven'e eaten that much in quite a while. Natalie decided to spend another night at her parents and so they kept the boys over there again.

Saturday night was bad. Just going to leave it at that. If there is another night like Saturday I will be giving up pumping. I cannot pump and care for the babies. It's just but enough time for sleep. Sunday I tried to sleep must I'd the day to make up for not sleeping Saturday night.

Monday I was still playing catch up, but we needed groceries. I went to the grocery store and post office. I hurt so bad afterwards. I lifted and bent too much at the store and loading the truck. It felt really good to be up and moving around though.

I am really thankful that everyone wants to come see us and make sure we are ok, but 1 baby is tough, we are swaddling with 3! Please give us a call first, we nap at certain times and limit company during other times due to the babies' or our toddler's naps.

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