Friday, July 25, 2014

Triplets Birth 7/22/14

The birth of the triplets was no where near the experience I was hoping for.

I was told that around 7 am someone would come to my room and prepare me there for surgery. I would be ready and in the operating room around 8 am. That surgery would not be rushed and no one was booked after me so we would have plenty of time.

Then 6:30 I woke up and went to the bathroom. I had just finished in the bathroom and woke Jerimiah up so he could eat and get ready when 2 nurses came into my room. They put me in a wheelchair and took me away before either of us realized what was going on. They told him to meet us in triage as they wheeled me out.

About 20 minutes later Jerimiah caught up with me. I had been stripped down and put on the NST monitor. The anesthesia people came in again. Then the doctor came in. I was not sure about tubal ligation and the doctor said that he wouldn't do it unless I was 100% sure I wanted it done. The nurses shaved me and continued to monitor the babies until my stretcher was rolled out towards the OR. Jerimiah was given scrubs to put on while they started my spinal block.

I was in the OR by 7:50. They had me move tables and lean over so the anesthesiologist could access my back. The small pinch of the needle numbing it is a lie. It burned and stung sooooo bad. I felt the bigger needle going in. Apparently they had my height wrong by 2 inches and my spinal went to high. I am 5 foot 4 inches and they had me as 5 foot 6 inches. As soon as the spinal went in the anesthesiologist started yelling move move move, lay down now. I tried to move as far as I could as tingles took over my body. I breathed for the first time in months, but that was short lived. I lost the ability to breath within minutes of laying down. I was trying to scream, but no sound would come out. I was terrified and Jerimiah was not there. They put a pressurized oxygen mask on me that pumped air into my lungs.

Break from the birth story a moment to let everyone know that I have had recurring dreams of dying in the operating room during birth, so at this point panic was so extreme I was really freaking out and alone.

The mask was breathing for me, but I could not feel it. I was still panicked. At 8:09 am the anesthesiology team started screaming for Dr. Harden to come in. I only knew the time because they were shouting out times for the record. It felt like hours that I couldn't breath. I screamed for Jerimiah. I needed him and he wasn't there either.

I tried to count but had no concept of time. Its funny how not breathing (or rather feeling like your not breathing) messes with your perception of time passing. Dr. Harden comes in at some point and they tell him what was going on with my spinal and he immediately starts to work. They taped up my stomach I remembered felt them tape it to my shoulders. My shoulders tingled but were not completely numb. It felt like painful pins and needles running up and down my arms.

Jerimiah finally came in. He had this horrified look on his face and I find out it is because I was already cut open when he came in. Jerimiah later said that he saw parts of me right then that he never wants to see again.

Finally I heard someone say 8:26 baby girl born, it seemed like hours went by until I heard her cry. Then someone else shouted 8:27 baby girl born, and it took forever for her cry to be heard. The relief from just hearing those cries brought tears to my eyes. The third baby was born at 8:28 and I never heard her cry. It seemed like hours between that 3 minute span.

A nurse came over to tell us all the babies needed respiratory assistance and would be on CPAP for a little while. They asked Jerimiah if he wanted to come spend a few minutes with the babies before they took them to the NICU. He didn't want to leave me but I nodded for him to go. He went and got pictures and stats on all the girls. He was even allowed to cut Sophia's cord.

Biggest to smallest:
Sophia Irene, 6 pounds and 14 ounces, 19 inches
Meredith Jane, 6 pounds and 1 ounce, 19 inches
Penelope Ann, 5 pounds and 14 ounces, 18.75 inches

I was able to see only Penelope before they were all rushed off to the NICU. I told Jerimiah to go with them, I couldn't stand the thought of my babies alone. I was finally breathing again.

I was taken to recovery, which was supposed to normally take only an hour, but I was there almost 2 and still so numb I could not even wiggle a toe. I immediately asked for a breast pump, but they said I ad to wait for lactation. They eventually rolled me into labor and delivery to continue recovery. The nursing instructor came in and told me she wanted a student nurse to follow me and the babies around and do whatever I needed for the day. I immediately sent her to find Jerimiah and my phone so I could atleast see pictures of my babies. I was also allowed to have visitors so I immediately asked for Issy. I wanted to see him and tell him I was ok. I know he was worried. He was scared and wanted to know momma was ok. He had been in the NICU and fell in love with his sisters already. He was scared to touch them. He said Penelope would wiggle and squirm when he would talk to her, like she used to in my belly.

Finally about 12 noon I started being able to wiggle a toe, but I was in immense pain. They did not give me morphine or duramorph due to previous issues with morphine, so I was given a dilaudid pump to help with pain management. It worked pretty good as long as I remembered to stay ahead of the pain by pushing it even if I wasn't hurting yet. I asked a dozen more times for a pump or lactation to come by.

Around 1 they said I could go back to my regular room to finish recovery. They called the NICU to see if there was room to roll my bed in there so I could atleast see my little Sophia and Meredith. There was room and so we headed torwards the NICU!

I only got a glimpse of Meredith in her isolette from my bed. The nurse surprised me and brought my Sophia to me so I could hold her. I was extremely happy and so emotional.

I finished recovery in my room. It was around 6 or 7 before I could get up and get into a wheelchair to go back to the NICU to see my girls again.

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