Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Week 32: From the hospital, still

So I am starting this post and going to try and add my daily little updates. I am hoping I stay pregnant through this whole week, but if not my husband can publish it early and you will know how far I made it. A new separate post explaining birth will be posted as soon as one of us are able to.

Tuesday Dr. H came in and examined me. He said that the size of my uterus and babies is enormous against my vena cava and its is causing drastic shifts in my blood pressure as the babies or myself move. He said the enzymes are still at levels we just need to continue to monitor. He said that it is only likely to get worse form here on out, but now that we are working onto 32 to keep in mind that we will not go past 34 weeks. I had a very nice visit with Eliza from MOPS and her 2 children today. They stayed for quite a while and we had such a nice visit. We talked about MOPS and the needs that they have this upcoming year. She also said that when I am able to get out and about with the girls that they would love for me to come back and would help getting the girls in and out of there. Baby Eleanora was so adorable and sat on my lap for a long time. Shortly after they left my friend Katie came up with her daughter Addy and we also had a wonderful visit. Katie is only 2 weeks from her due date, cants wait to see what she is having! I cannot tell you how nice it is to have visitors coming to see me. I feel way more hopeful just by seeing my friends and family.

Wednesday my liver enzymes went down in numbers, although the doctors are kind of baffled as to why. Dr. P said things were looking pretty good. My friend Angie and her baby Gabby came to see me. Gabby is such a happy baby. It is so nice to have a triplet mommy as a friend so I can ask my 5 million questions and also have someone who has been there and totally gets everything I am going through. Between Angie and my triplet moms due 2014 group, I have kept my sanity mostly intact during this pregnancy. My little Allen was very sick and had to be brought to the emergency room. The closest children's emergency room just so happened to be at the hospital I am in. He was running a fever of 104.3 when he got here and he was lethargic. Natalie said he had thrown up all over the back of the van just as the fever hit him. He was crying for me from the time they pulled up here, he recognized that this is where momma was. I had my nurse tech bring me down to see him. I sat in the ER with him and he rode back up to my room with me. Once he saw me there was no way he was not going to do "the ride, the ride." He only agreed to leave mommy when Natalie told him they were going to see grandpa. Grandpa is the best thing in the world to Allen. Jerimiah stayed with me after they left and we watched some TV shows and ate dinner together. MOPS group had given us an Applebee's gift card, so we placed a curbside to go order and did the 2 for $20. It was a much needed decent meal after tons of fast food and hospital food. We were both so worried sick about Allen. I had to cancel seeing my friend Bess, which made me really sad. She was supposed to come and visit, but we were still stuck in the ER at the time she was going to come.

Thursday was a pretty down day. My liver enzymes went down some more, which we have no idea why. Dr. W said we would pull a few more panels just to watch and keep an eye on it. It is good for the babies though, it buys them more time in the oven. Tony did my BPP and growth scan. the babies are: 5lb 3oz, 5lb, and 4lb 6oz. They all were 8 out of 8 passing the BPP with flying colors. The entire day was spent sleeping off and on. I did have some different staff taking care of me, and I was pretty irritable about some of their questions and comments. One nurse said to me "Are these babies IVF?" I replied truthfully "No they aren't." She then came back with "Well that makes these babies miracles then!" I was completely floored. Like if they were IVF they would not be miracles. Any woman who has struggled and then had to resort to IVF would feel completely different. I struggled getting pregnant, but never had to go so far as IVF, but my heart goes out to women who have and this nurse's comments just rubbed me the wrong way. Saturday evening I got a call out of the blue from my friend Hayley, she wanted to know if she could come visit. It was great to see her, and we rolled downstairs and grabbed some of the wonderful coffee from the coffee shop here.

Friday morning Dr. W was still in and she said we were going to change blood draws to twice a week since I was doing so well now, 1 number was back into normal range and the other was just outside it. She also said baby a had polyhydroaminos (too much fluid, like Allen had.) The lab blew out my vessel drawing blood at 6am, she also did not knock and turned on every light in my room (and then left them on....) So yeah it was a rough start to my day. Natalie and Sue brought my little guy up to see me. He still isn't feeling the greatest, but he sure knew when the wheelchair came in for "the ride, the ride." We rode around a little bit, but came back earlier than normal because he had an appointment at his pediatrician. Turns out he has a double ear infection. Poor little guy, but hopefully he will start to get better after the round of antibiotics. My friends Sabrina and Christy came out, along with Christy's boys. They surprised me with Panera Bread and a bag of goodies. It was so great to see them and spend time with them. They all got to feel the babies move and hear them on the monitor before they left. It was nice to relive some of the older days and just enjoy the company. Hayley also came back by for another visit. Then Jerimiah surprised me by coming out and spending Friday night with me. I definitely had a very full day.

Saturday morning Dr. Ba came in and he said all was looking good. My liver enzymes are completely back in the normal range, by blood pressures seem to have gone down even more, and my monitoring is all showing great progress for the babies. He mentioned that at this point we would aim for 34 weeks (7/15.) My friend Shannon came by with not only a basket full of goodies from the DuSablons, but baskets form several of my friends from Wilson. I was completely shocked. I realized just how truly blessed I am with amazing friends. Everything that everyone is doing for me and for our family brings tears to my eyes.

Sunday Dr. H was in and he again said we needed to look at getting on the schedule for around 34 weeks. I was hoping for a little longer than 34, because at 35 the babies have alot better chances of coming home with us, and needing little to no NICU time. Issy came by with my dad and nephew Jordan. My dad was bringing Issy back from the week at his house. They brought me dinner from Wendy's. We had a pretty good visit, I missed my big boy sooooooo much.

Monday Dr. Be was here. He wanted to know if we had a scheduled c-section date yet. I told him we did'nt and he said since everything had kind of cooled off and the pre-e was well controlled we could push for 35 weeks. He said he wanted to talk to Dr. P, who was coming on duty and if she agreed that 35 was the best then he would have her get it on the schedule. So ready to have a final end date in sight. I feel like I have been here forever and having a goal to get to would make me feel so much better. Jerimiah came up for a while and we had a very good visit. He brought me dinner that Natalie cooked. It was soooooo good. I ate and showered, then we rolled out to the coffee shop downstairs. We got our coffees (decaf for me) and sat in the courtyard outside in the nice cool air. We sat for a while, until the mosquitoes started biting bad, then we came back upstairs and watched a few shows before he headed home.

32 weeks. This was the milestone they wanted me to reach when they admitted me. It is hard to believe it is here already. I cannot wait for my end date goal. Once I have that I have to have my nurse page neonatology for another consult. Dr. Kicklighter has said if we made it to 32 we needed another sit down to discuss current prognosis for delivery and final prognosis if we make it to the scheduled date. Being here is wearing me down, emotionally and physically. The doctors say the physical is more to do with the pregnancy than where I am though. I pray daily for strength and faith. While I am not afraid at all I struggle with other negative emotions: sadness, anger, doubt, and helplessness. I am going to try and let these go this week. They certainly aren't doing me any good.

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