Sunday, September 21, 2014

Week 7

Tuesday was an at home recovery kind of day. Pump, feed babies, diapers, play with Allen, repeat.

Wednesday was a very long and difficult day. I was super tired from fussy girls being fussy all day Tuesday and Tuesday night when Sue got here. She decided to make an appointment and drag us all along with her. It might have been easier and less frustrating if I had known about it when she made the appointment (the day before.) As it was I was getting ready to finish pumping and lay back down for a bit when I was told I needed to go get dressed and get the girls stuff together to go out for the morning. It was supposed to be a 5 minute appointment and turned into a 45 minute appointment. By the time she got back to the car the girls were screaming and Allen had been very frustrated with sitting in his seat so long. Atleast the girls did better in ChickFilA than at the doctor's office. It made Natalie's day to have the girls come visit her at work. The visit to CFA almost made the whole trip worth it.

Thursday was a similar recovery from over stimulating the babies. We also tried to get caught up on laundry and house work side Natalie was home today and we were having visitors on Friday. Also at like 9 the power went out. The girls hated this immensely. The temperature only got to 75, but there was no fan blowing and dead silence in the house. The girls literally cried from 9 pm until after 5 when it finally came back on. There were nasty storms causing the outage, especially the limbs that blew onto our power lines and caught fire! Luckily it was so wet, because it could have been much worse.

Friday we spent the majority of the day cleaning and cooking in preparation for Matthew and Robin coming over for dinner and to let the kids visit. I was so exhausted from the girls all night that I fell asleep on the pump and pumped almost 2 hull hours. Natalie went and got her hair cut. The girls screamed most of the time she was gone and Allen tried to destroy everything. The girls wore the outfits she had bought them from the baby shower. The visit went really well, with very little fussing from the girls. We had chicken, potatoes, and green beans. We had blueberry dump for dessert.
Saturday Natalie had work and Jerimiah had the girls during my pumps. Penny was extremely fussy all day so I took her and Issy into town because it was really starting to frustrate Jerimiah. We went to Chick-fil-a, Target, and Wal-Mart. It was a good outing and Penny was so well behaved while we were out. She didn't make a peep. I felt like a normal mom for the first time (not a freak show triplet mom.)

Sunday we braved the masses and made it to church. It was so stressful getting out the door. It takes hours of work before walking out to make a trip anywhere. The girls did great in the nursery at church. Sophia slept the entire time and the other two were with Hannah rocking when I got back. We then head to my in laws for lunch with all the siblings and grandkids there. It was a full house for sure. The girls did pretty well and we got some pictures of everyone together. The girls were fussy again all evening after all the simulation. Issy had his first rehearsal for the WCC kids Christmas program. He is super excited about it.

Monday the girls were still recuperating so we didn't try and take them out to my OBGYN appointment. My doctor really wanted to see the girls, but he understands. He has a new 5 week old baby and had been doing all the night feeds while his wife pumps. So amazing that he did that and still was able to work and take on calls. She is definitely a lucky woman. The doctor said everything looked good, all closed up. Released to full activity, but with coming back from bed rest I need to listen to my body and not try and over do it. We had tasty meatloaf, mac and cheese, and spinach for dinner. Sophia smiled and giggled at me while we were snuggling after dinner. It made my night!

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