Sunday, September 21, 2014

Week 8

Tuesday was a slow day during the day. Natalie worked and Sue was here helping me. Grandma came by to see the babies. Not sure how I would still be pumping without all this help. Allen acted off all day, then after he refused dinner we took his temperature and it was 102.5 degrees! He also pulled air at his ears so I was pretty sure it was an ear infection.

Wednesday morning I got up super early to have Allen at urgent care by 8am. The doctor said his throat was a little red and his ear with the tube was definitely infected. He didn't look in the ear without the tube because he said it was sure to be worse and Allen was fighting it. Allen asked for cow cow, so I got him his favorite hash rounds. I only got 1 order and he had them gone before we could get halfway home. He wanted more and I felt so so so bad. Sue watched when so that me and Natalie could take the girls and go to MOPS. It was nice to get out, but a little stressful. I was worried about Allen and the girls were fussy in the bright lights and with the loudness. It did feel so good to do something normal though. 

Thursday Natalie worked and thankfully Sue was here to help again. It was mostly a try and do little tasks for the 5 minutes no one is screaming kind of day. Poor Natalie is the only one who can sooth Penny, by singing. Her poor throat had to be killing her the next day!

Friday we stayed home for the day to try and prep the house for Issy's party and company coming into town. It was a lot of work to get ready. We had to clean soooooo much. Natalie and I both worked so hard to prepare. Natalie put my casserole (for the party) together and prepped the kitchen. I also had to run and get Issy his allergy shots. I was so excited to see my mom and finally let her meet her granddaughters! She got here close to 11pm, but that didn't deter us from catching up! I was so happy to get to spend time with my Autumn! I cannot believe that I was her age and holding her when she was as small as my girls are.

Saturday morning we were on the grind. We got this house in to shape much quicker than I expected. Issy's "brunch" party was a success. We managed to get everything ready and have a great time with very little stress. Allen was sad Issy wasn't playing with him much and he pushed Issy, but Issy was ok afterwards. The girls did pretty well with everyone here. Natalie was able to nap while we took Issy and Allen out for Issy's present form us: a trip to Frankie's Fun Park in Raleigh. The fun park was a little stressful, mainly because we haven't been sleeping well and were hot and tired and Allen was tired and a little cranky. He loved the go carts with Mommy though! Issy loved everything, especially laser tag where he had the top score. Issy even faced his fear by going up the "sky climb" giant climbing contraption! autumn faced her fear and got back into a go cart too!

Sunday we all slept in, well as much as babies and pumping let us. My mom made me go shower before she left and she did all my dishes. I didn't want her to go. The weekend went by far too quickly. After all the excitement and holding all weekend none of the girls wanted to sleep.

Monday Natalie and I started our day on less than 3 hours broken up of sleep. She had to get up and go to work, leaving by 5am!!! I was here until 7ish with all the kids, but I managed to get Issy up and ready and out the door on time all by myself! I got Allen all settled while I pumped. The girls just had to wait, if the woke up.We had a very upsetting day for our family. The details are kind of private and not really my story to tell. I can say this situation affected us and cost my husband 2 days of work. We can't even afford for him to take off 1 day, much less 2!!! I did go into town to try and find out what I needed to do to get the special accounts set up for the girls. Our bank doesn't offer them and neither does the local Bank of America. It looks like Wells Fargo is the only one who can open it (we need a blocked trust/Coogan account for the girl's acting work.)

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